Bernie Finn, Senate Candidate for Victoria

As a husband, father and former long-serving Liberal member of the Victorian Parliament, Bernie Finn understands that your family needs a strong voice in the federal Senate.

For nearly three decades, Bernie has been a tireless advocate for faith, life, family and freedom.

In 2022, he was expelled from the Liberal Party for his pro-life and pro-family views, joining Family First in 2023 as lead Senate candidate for Victoria.

“The major parties have abandoned families, hurting them with unnecessary climate-alarmist net zero policies which have driven up electricity prices," Bernie said.

“We have abundant energy resources but unaffordable and unreliable electricity. Only politicians could create a situation like that.

“On social policy, Labor and Liberal have capitulated to LGBTIQA+ activists who are indoctrinating children in schools and public libraries. There’s no political leadership resisting this harmful ideology."

Bernie has a long history of fighting for children and is passionately pro-life, leading Victoria's annual March for the Babies. 

“I aim to take my passion for defending the rights of children, and protecting their innocence, with me to Canberra. I’ll fight hard to defend the rights of parents to raise their children according to their own values and beliefs. These are not negotiable”, Mr Finn said.

“I’m passionate about this nation and I won’t sit back while weak politicians allow it to be destroyed.”

Now he's asking for your support to help give families like yours a voice in our nation's capital.

Why Your Support Matters

By donating to Bernie Finn's campaign, you are contributing to a cause that champions:

  1. Amplifying Your Voice: Bernie Finn is dedicated to representing your values in the Senate. With your support, he can boldly advocate for the beliefs and principles that matter to you.

  2. Advocating for Life: Bernie is a staunch defender of the sanctity of life from conception to natural death. He opposes abortion-on-demand and euthanasia, striving to protect the most vulnerable in our society.

  3. Defending Family Values: Your donation will help Bernie combat harmful gender ideologies and protect children from radical indoctrination in schools. He is committed to preserving traditional family values.

  4. Preserving Religious Freedom: By supporting Bernie's campaign, you are helping to ensure that Australians can freely practice their faith without fear of discrimination or persecution.

Make Your Contribution Today

Your best gift today will have a direct impact on empowering Bernie Finn's campaign for the Senate. Together, we can stand strong for faith, life, family, and freedom.

Please donate today and join in making a difference for your family's future.

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I understand donations to Family First Party Australia, if they total more than $16,900 from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025, will be disclosed to the Australian Electoral Commission and be available to the public.

Donations by individuals to registered political parties of more than $2 up to a total of $1,500 in a financial year are tax deductible.
