Family First has renewed its calls for a ban on transitioning children’s gender.
This comes as 100 prominent Australians, including medical doctors, have written to the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton and State Health Ministers calling for a public inquiry into the practice.
While this is a worthy initiative, there is no need for more investigation.
As one of the letter’s signatories, Dr Andrew Amos told Sky News, the international evidence of harm to children from gender-bending chemicals that cause sterilisation and mutilating surgery is in.
“It doesn't help their health, it doesn't help their mental health, and it does cause significant physical and mental side effects, particularly things like broken bones, infertility, sexual dysfunction and the breakdown of social relationships,” Dr Amos said.
The open letter was signed by former Prime Minister Tony Abbott, former deputy Prime Minister John Anderson, 40 doctors, around 20 members of Parliament and other campaigners.
The letter states that "such an inquiry will need to consider how this (harm to children) was allowed to happen."
Family First agrees and notes that the answer to that question lies in large part with LGBTIQA+ political activists like Anna Brown from Equality Australia, Rodney Croome and NSW MP Alex Greenwich, all prominent leaders of the 2017 campaign to redefine marriage.
They are virtually the last standing in defence of child gender transitioning, having lied their way through the marriage campaign by saying that same-sex marriage would not have consequences for children.
Weak politicians and an incurious media captured by LGBTIQA+ ideology are also a major reason behind the "how” question.
With gender diversity made a non-relevant criterion for marriage in law, activists set about making children's gender fluid with a government-funded indoctrination program called "Safe Schools".
While "Safe Schools" started before the marriage law was changed, the play for children's gender was turbocharged by the success of the Yes campaign in the 2017 marriage plebiscite.
Concerns raised by the No campaign about a looming move (as a consequence of redefining marriage) to indoctrinate children into the LGBTIQA+ activists’ lie that gender was fluid, were ignored or suppressed.
Redefining marriage and redefining gender were always a package deal.
This has been a long fight. This letter is a major development but Family First suspects there will now be a fierce battle for it's request to be heeded.
The Australian newspaper’s reporting of the letter today was good, except the journalists used the pejorative "so-called" when referring to detransitioners such as Mel Jefferies who as an 18 year old had both her breasts removed so she could present as a male.
She bitterly regrets this decision which ideologically motivated medical practitioners pushed her in to.
Calling her a "so-called" detransitioner is akin to calling a victim of sexual abuse a "so-called" survivor.
Again, it is evidence of the ideological capture that was completed when our marriage law changed.
Below is a full copy of the letter:
Dear Prime Minister,
cc: Opposition Leader The Hon Peter Dutton MP, Federal Health Minister the Hon Mark Butler MP, Shadow Health Minister Senator the Hon Anne Ruston MP, all State and Territory Health Ministers and Shadow Health Ministers
RE: Urgent Call for Public Inquiry into Youth Gender Medicine
We are writing as concerned citizens to call for an immediate public inquiry into youth gender medicine in Australia and a pause on all medical gender transitions for children and young people until this inquiry is complete.
Worldwide concerns about ‘gender-affirming’ treatment
Recent developments globally have exposed serious concerns about the ‘gender-affirming’ approach to treating gender-confused youth and there is now a bipartisan consensus in many countries that major changes to practice in this area are needed.
The UK's comprehensive Cass Review (April 2024) found no reliable evidence base for gender transition interventions in young people.
The review found:
- No clear evidence supporting ‘gender-affirming’ interventions for children
- Poor quality evidence for puberty suppression and cross-sex hormones
- No reliable support for claims that these treatments reduce suicide risk
- Social transition may significantly affect psychological functioning
- Treatment should not be based on the ‘gender-affirming’ model currently used in Australia
Medical interventions including puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries can cause irreversible harm, including physiological damage (bone density loss, infertility, sexual dysfunction), issues concerning brain development and social and relational difficulties.
While lifelong impacts are yet to be fully understood, regret is real, and a growing number of detransitioners believe their gender distress masked other co-morbidities, including autism, untreated sexual trauma, and discomfort with their sexuality.
UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, Reem Alsalem, noted the Cass Review's global implications, citing its demonstration of "devastating consequences that policies on gender treatments have had on human rights of children."
Responses from governments
As a consequence, the National Health Service has halted the use of puberty blockers outside clinical trials. The issue transcends politics. The Cass review has bipartisan support and the new Labour Health Secretary Wes Streeting has imposed an indefinite ban on private or offshore prescribing of blockers.
He said it was “a scandal that [puberty blocking] medicine was given to vulnerable young children without the proof that it is safe or effective or [without going] through the rigorous safeguards of a clinical trial.”
Numerous US states and Scandinavian countries have restricted or banned these practices as well, following careful reviews of the available evidence showing a lack of benefit to children’s and young people’s mental health.
The situation in Australia
Despite these developments, Australian politicians, clinicians and relevant institutions have been slow to act. Worse, some have sought to undermine the significance of these developments and their direct relevance to Australia.
The Cass Review specifically evaluated Australia's current treatment guidelines and gave them a poor rating for quality overall. These standards are based on guidelines from the now discredited World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).
On 2 November 2024, two leading Australian clinicians along with over 20 international authors released a paper demonstrating just how inadequate Australia’s response has been compared to the international community in relation to the mounting evidence against the ’gender-affirming’ model of care. They also express strong concern that ‘conversion therapy’ laws – which five out of eight Australian states and territories have adopted – impede neutral exploratory psychotherapy for gender-confused children and young people.
The need for a public inquiry
If this issue were just about a dispute between medical professionals, it might be considered inappropriate for governments to get involved. However, leaked documents from WPATH reveal that clinicians privately acknowledge the harmful impacts of this treatment protocol on youth and the lack of evidence for benefit but continue to publicly recommend it.3 Evidence has also emerged of political interference in the work of WPATH in revising its guidelines and making recommendations.
This is a potential public health disaster of generational significance demanding an independent public inquiry. Until an inquiry is complete, all ‘gender-affirmation’ interventions for children and young people (including puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries) must be paused to prevent further harm.
Scope of the inquiry
An independent public inquiry needs to be carried out at the federal level with the cooperation of the states and territories, involving an expert, or panel of distinguished experts, independent from the practice of gender medicine.
Such an inquiry will need to consider how this was allowed to happen, the impact on the children and their families, and make recommendations as to how to protect other children from harm.
Such an inquiry does not need to ‘reinvent’ the wheel in terms of the medical and scientific evidence, for this has been systematically reviewed multiple times by different expert bodies, with the same conclusion. What the inquiry needs to do is to consider whether, in the light of the evidence, current ‘gender-affirming’ practices should continue, and, if so, to what extent.
The safety and wellbeing of Australian children depend on a swift response to this public health crisis.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Jillian Spencer MB.BS BmedSci FRANZCP Cert. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Cert. Forensic Psychiatry Grad Dip For Beh Sci
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Dr Andrew Amos MB.BS FRANZCP
Prof Dianna Kenny PhD MA (Sch Couns) BA (Hons) Dip Ed Grad Dip FDR FAPs MAPA
Consulting Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Family Therapist
Dr Dylan Wilson
A/Prof Peter Parry MB.BS Ph.D FRANZCP Cert. Child and Adolescent Psych (RANZCP)
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Professor John Whitehall BA MB.BS FRACP
Dr Alison Clayton
Dr Shannon Abeywardena MD RACGP
General Practitioner
Dr Cary Breakey MB.BS FRACGP DPM
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist (retired)
Dr Michael Paul Burt MB.BS BS FANZCA FCICM
Dr Jacqueline Condon BMedSci MD FRANZCP MHL Cert. Forensic Psych Grad Cert FMH
Dr Gerald Fogarty BSc MB.BS FRANZCR PhD
Radiation Oncologist
Dr Rachel Hannam PhD MPsych BSocSci MAAPi
Clinical Psychologist
Dr Guy van Hazel MB.BS FRACP FRCP
Medical Oncologist
Dr Randy Juanta BMBS
Medical Doctor
Public Health Medical Doctor
Dr Chris Kennedy MB.BS MPH&TM FRAGP FRACMA Hon Doctor Medicine OAM
Rural General Practitioner and Medical Administrator
Dr Deirdre Little MB.BS DRANZCOG FACRRM GCBioeth
General Practitioner
Emeritus Professor of Medicine
Dr Stephen Milgate AM
Medical Association Executive – Health Policy Research
Dr George L. Mendz MSc MBioeth PhD
Professor of Medicine, University of Notre Dame Australia
Dr Shannon Morton BSc MB.BS FRANZCP Cert. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Dr Luke O’Regan B Med FRANZCP
Dr Catherine Peterson MB.BS FRACGP
General Practitioner
Dr Nic Rosoman MB.BS
Medical Doctor
Anaesthetist and Intensive Care Specialist
Dr Julie Sladden MB.BS BMedSci PGDipMedEd
Medical Doctor
Professor David Torpy MB.BS PhD FRACP
General Practitioner/Rural Generalist
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Dr Danielle Collins BMBS FRACGP
General Practitioner
Dr Sean Leow BSc MD MS(Plast)
Surgical Registrar
Dr Megan Richardson BAppSci MB.BS FRANZCP Cert Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Dr Geoff Holloway
Sociologist and Editor of United Tasmania Group Journal
Dr Shirley Prager MB.BS FRANZCP
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist
Dr Mei Ling Doery MBBS BMedSci MPH
Medical doctor, Public Health Expert and Advocate
Dr Sandra Pertot
Clinical Psychologist
Dr Petra Bueskens
Clinical Psychotherapist
Courtney Coulson
Mel Jeffries
Jay Langadinos
Hon Tony Abbott AC
Former Prime Minister of Australia
Hon John Anderson AC
Former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia
Clive Hamilton
Professor of Public Ethics, Charles Sturt University
Dr Peter Koopman
Professor Emeritus of Developmental Biology, University of Queensland
Hon Greg Donnelly
Member of New South Wales Legislative Council, Labor Party
Sall Grover
CEO and Founder, Giggle for Girls
Joe McCrackin
Member of Victorian Legislative Council, Liberal Party
Madeleine Beekman
Professor Emerita of Evolutionary Biology, University of Sydney
Tim James
State Member for Willoughby, Liberal Party
Dr Renate Klein
Biologist and Social Scientist
Hon Rod Roberts
Member of New South Wales Legislative Council, Independent
Hon Heidi Girolamo
Member of South Australian Legislative Council, Liberal Party
Dr Chris French
Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Melbourne
Holly Lawford-Smith
Associate Professor, University of Melbourne
Belle Lane
Hon Michael Sukkar
Federal Member for Deakin, Liberal Party
Dr Xavier Symons
Director, Plunkett Centre for Ethics
Senator Matt O'Sullivan
Senator for Western Australia, Liberal Party
Louise Elliot
Councillor, City of Hobart
Anna Kerr
Principal Solicitor, Feminist Legal Clinic
Anna McCormack
Founder, IWD Brisbane Meanjin
Senator Hon Matt Canavan
Senator for Queensland, National Party
Bronwyn Winter
Professor Emerita, University of Sydney
Senator Claire Chandler
Senator for Tasmania, Liberal Party
Dr Emma Dalton
Senior Lecturer, La Trobe University
Hon Sophia Moermond
Member of Western Australian Legislative Council, Independent
Bev McArthur
Member of Victorian Legislative Council, Liberal Party
Chris Smith
Journalist and Broadcaster
Dr Elisabeth Taylor
Katherine Deves
Lawyer and Commentator
David Limbrick
Member of Victorian Legislative Council, Libertarian Party
Hon Tanya Davies
State Member for Mulgoa, Liberal Party
Jasmine Sussex
Breastfeeding Advocate
Hon Ben Hood
Member of South Australian Legislative Council, Liberal Party
Alan Davison
Professor, Australian Catholic University
Hon Susan Carter
Member of New South Wales Legislative Council, Liberal Party
Judith Hunter
Hon Laura Henderson
Member of South Australian Legislative Council, Liberal Party
Patrick Parkinson
Professor Emeritus of Law, University of Queensland
Senator Alex Antic
Senator for South Australia, Liberal Party
Dr Caroline Norma
Senior Lecturer, RMIT University
Hon Damien Tudehope
Member of New South Wales Legislative Council, Liberal Party
Colleen Harkin
Director of Schools Program, Institute for Public Affairs
Dr Elizabeth Caballero
Director, Women Speak Tasmania
Hon Rachel Merton
Member of New South Wales Legislative Council, Liberal Party
Dr Henry Kha
Senior Lecturer in Law, University of New South Wales
Nicole Werner
State Member for Warrandyte, Liberal Party
Bronwyn Williams
Solicitor, Feminist Legal Clinic
Moira Deeming
Member of Victorian Legislative Council, Liberal Party
Nicholas Gordon Martin
Professor, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute
Georgia Chenevix-Trench
Professor, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute
Dr Renee Health
Member of Victorian Legislative Council, Liberal Party
Dr Susan Hawthorne
Adjunct Professor, James Cook University
Colin Wight
Professor Emeritus, University of Sydney
Dr Kate Phelan
Lecturer, RMIT University
Rita Panahi
Commentator and Columnist
Hon John Ruddick
Member of New South Wales Legislative Council, Libertarian Party
Dr Karleen Gribble
Adjunct Associate Professor, Western Sydney University
Karen Richardson
Clinical Research Consultant
Kirralie Smith
Binary Australia
Cordelia Fine
Professor, University of Melbourne
Stassja Frei
Host, Desexing Society
Catherine Karena
Executive Director, Active Watchful Waiting
Dr Megan Poore
Founder, Affiliation of Australian Women’s Action Alliances
Parents of Adolescents with Gender Distress (VIC)
Stephanie Bastiaan
Head of Advocacy, Women's Forum Australia
Rachael Wong
Chief Executive Officer, Women's Forum Australia