Sign the open letter to defend Christian schools and your religious freedom

Christian schools – and your freedom – are under serious threat.

Politicians are looking to remove religious freedoms that mean Christian schools can’t operate according to their ethos, or employ staff based on Christian faith and values.

It’s vital to raise a voice now to push back on the proposals by the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) that would force Christian schools to comply to harmful LGBTQ+ ideology.

Instead of proposing ways of allowing Christian schools to exist in a pluralistic, post-same-sex-marriage environment, the ALRC wants to do the bidding of LGBTQ+ activists.

What they’re proposing will effectively end Christian education in Australia.

This is an issue that will impact how you and others vote in the next elections and politicians need to hear this.

Family First is a party that will put Christian schools and religious freedom first – to turn your vote at elections into a vote for freedom.

So your help to get the truth out about Christian schools has never been so important.

Your help is needed today to protect religious freedom and freedom of speech, especially to preserve the right of Christian schools to hire people who share the same faith convictions.

Sign this open letter to tell federal, state and territory governments that you’re calling on them to protect religious freedom and freedom of speech so Australian Christian schools can operate according to their beliefs.

15,000 signatures

To territory, state and federal parliamentarians:

As a parent and concerned citizen, I want to stand up for Australian Christian schools that are at risk of having their freedoms stripped away because of their beliefs.

The proposed Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) changes to anti-discrimination laws pose a major threat to Christian schools – and to all people of faith – in our nation.

The freedom that Christian schools have to operate according to their Christian ethos is under threat by these ALRC proposals.

The ALRC wants to remove the rights of Christian schools to employ Christian staff who live according to their faith convictions. This recommendation makes it impossible for religious schools to ensure they hire staff who are appropriate role models for children.

I’m asking you to stand up for Christian schools across Australia.

I will use my vote at the next election to vote for parties like Family First to send a message that religious freedom matters.

Please take strong action to preserve the religious freedoms and rights of Christian schools to operate according to their ethos.

In so doing, you are also standing up for the rights and freedoms of all Australians.

Will you sign?