Your support will help give families a real choice at the federal election!

It’s a make-or-break moment for Australian families

This is the moment. The federal election will happen this year.

You know that the major parties have allowed the Greens to dictate the terms of our national debate for too long.

Their dangerous ideologies have gone unchecked.

Now, families like yours are hurting. Prices are rising. Interest rates are soaring.

Kids are being brainwashed in schools and the major parties are too afraid to stand up for commonsense family values.

Your Family First candidates on the ballot paper, ready to speak up for families, include:

  • Bernie Finn – Victoria
  • Katie Lush – Queensland
  • Christopher Brohier – South Australia
  • Elizabeth Kikkert – Australian Capital Territory
  • As well as myself in New South Wales.

Your support today will help more mums and dads know they finally have a choice – that your Family First party will raise an uncompromising voice for faith, life, family and freedom.

And a generous friend is stepping up to match your support today, DOUBLING every dollar given up to a total of $50,000 to ensure your impact is even greater!

It’s time to stand and fight for your values – and give families a real choice at the election. Thank you for your gift of support today!