After years of “climate policy”, Australia’s electricity grid is so fragile that even Liberal and National governments are joining Labor, the Teals and Greens in supporting power rationing.
The Third World state of our grid was rammed home in December when 8000 south-east Queensland homes had their air conditioners turned off remotely by government electricity authorities on a typically hot day.
That’s right, things were so bad authorities scrambled to avoid blackouts by logging into people’s homes to disable the compressors on their aircon.
It sounds more like something Xi Jinping would do than something encouraged under an LNP government.
This followed NSW Labor Government urgings during a hot day in late spring for Sydney-siders to refrain from using dishwashers to wash their dishes and washing machines to wash their clothes.
As a small child in the 1970s I remember my grandparents using a fire and a big copper tub to wash sheets outdoors, and of course their wood stove-equipped kitchen had no dishwasher.
I just never thought we’d be returning to those days in metropolitan Sydney or Brisbane in the 21st century.
Instead of blasting the former Queensland Labor Government’s mismanagement of the electricity grid, which ironically has more reliable and cheap coal-fired generation than other states, the new LNP energy minister wistfully said power rationing on a hot day was better than having the power cut.
I kid you not.
David Janetzki said: “Energex and Ergon Energy carefully manage electricity demand peaks for those who have opted into PeakSmart, to smooth the load and help prevent widespread outages.”
A Minister worth his or her salt would have fired up and said the situation was unacceptable and that the new government was working to shore up the grid to make sure every Queenslander could use their aircon when they needed it without Big Brother’s finger on the kill switch.
Perhaps his sheepishness was because PeakSmart was introduced by the former Campbell Newman LNP government in 2012, according to the ABC.
Today’s LNP Deputy Premier Jarrod Bleijie, who was a senior member of the Newman Govenrment, flicked his own switch to blast PeakSmart.
“It’s not a solution, and I’m not happy about it,” he said after the Courier Mail exposed the pre-Christmas intervention.
“I don’t think Queenslanders should expect an energy company to be able, at a flick of a switch, to turn people’s aircon for a few hours a day.”
This of course begs the question as to why the LNP introduced it in the first place.
One LNP Senator who speaks truth (which explains why he remains ignored by his party on the backbench) is Senator Matt Canavan.
Putting his LNP colleague Janetzki to shame, he wrote that PeakSmart was more like “Peak Stupid”.
Sure, householders opted in to PeakSmart by signing on to a $400 discount of their aircon unit.
But people doing it tough will sign up for such an Orwellian scheme because they are desperate to get aircon.
Eight thousand of them in some of the poorest areas of Ipswich and Brisbane had their coolers cut by remote control by faceless bureaucrats in a country that once prided itself for its egalitarian ethic.
Now it is only the rich who can avoid the pain of electricity grid-weakening climate policies while the poor are incentivised to make the sacrifices elites won’t.
Our politicians should read Orwell’s Animal Farm. It is a parable of modern Australia where everyone is equal except some animals are more equal than others.
Family First opposes net zero policies which jeopardise our electricity grid and raise prices which in turn show up in ever-escalating household and business electricity bills.
With global emissions continuing to rise and Australia’s efforts of no impact to the “climate crisis”, Family First believes affordability and reliability must be prioritised.
Expensive environment-destroying industrial windmills and solar factories should be halted in favour of a coal-to-gas-to nuclear transition over time.
The grid must be stabilised and prices cut as a matter of urgency.
High electricity prices caused by the “climate” policies of both Liberal and Labor are a major cause of the inflation that is currently crippling household budgets.
Cutting power prices can only be done by harnessing Australia’s comparative advantage of abundant coal, gas and ultimately uranium.
It can’t be done by rolling out more windmills and solar sheets and then bulldozing tens of thousands of kilometres of bush to make way for transmission lines to dispersed intermittent power sources.
It is the folly of this policy that has made PeakSmart part of our political elites’ armoury to make sure those who are less equal do their bit to save the planet.