It’s official: LNP joins Labor and the Greens as a pro-abortion party

It’s official: LNP joins Labor and the Greens as a pro-abortion party

A dishonest debate about abortion conducted by dishonest politicians and driven by a dishonest media has dominated the Queensland election campaign.

The same dishonest debate is occurring in the US Presidential election campaign.

The losers are women who are often coerced by men into killing their unborn babies.

They also lose because the debate focusses on the right to kill, instead of society’s responsibility to ensure a woman with an unsupported pregnancy is properly supported.

Sadly, the only choice presented in this debate is the choice to take a human life.

Support for women almost never gets a look in as pro-abortionists in politics and the media rush to tamp down any notion that Australia’s abortion-to-birth laws are extreme.

They don’t like to talk about the fact that healthy babies with healthy mothers are frequently “terminated” at post 20 weeks of gestation.

The mantra “abortion is healthcare” is parroted to disguise the grisly truth.

Apart from their mothers, the other losers are of course unborn babies who have no voice.

Abortion became an election issue because brave Queensland midwife Louise Adsett went before a Parliamentary inquiry into babies born alive and left to die (yes folks, this actually happens more frequently than you think) and blew the whistle.

Adsett gave the babies a rare voice.

Her harrowing first-hand testimony of babies surviving the abortion attempt on their lives and being left to die, often gasping for breath for hours, sent shock waves through the community.

She could not help but weep as she spoke, but the hard hearts of politicians were unmoved and the legacy media filtered the truth.

Sensing that his cherished 2018 abortion-to-birth laws were vulnerable to public knowledge of this despite the media cover-up, Queensland Premier Steven Miles started a scare campaign.

Knowing that there are many pro-life MPs and candidates amongst the LNP, Labor began the lie that “women’s healthcare” would be put at risk by a government led by Opposition Leader David Crisafulli.

It didn’t matter to Labor that Crisafulli had already walked away from human rights for unborn babies 12 months ago when he made a captain’s call that there would be no change to abortion laws under a government he led.

Sadly, none of his LNP colleagues challenged him on this at the time – they could have at least wrung a concession from him that there would be an inquiry into late-term abortion.

But they were silent.

This mishandling of an issue of profound moral importance, and one on which Queenslanders could have been persuaded (who apart from the extremists supports late term abortion?), has meant abortion has bedevilled Crisafulli.

Finally at the Sky News Peoples’ Forum this week Crisafulli said out loud what he has been avoiding.

Pressed by the feckless Miles, here’s what happened.

“Do you believe in a woman’s right to choose, yes or no?” Miles asked.

“It probably won’t work for his TikTok, but yes,” Crisafulli responded.

Like Peter denying Christ, Crisafulli has gone out of his way to re-enforce the point over and over saying there would be no change to abortion laws if he becomes Premier.

Decoded, what Crisafulli means is that abortion-to-birth will continue and that the LNP has crossed the line where its MPs no longer have a conscience vote on the greatest moral issue of our time.

If Crisafulli is to be believed (and no one is challenging him on this) LNP politicians in Queensland must tow the party’s pro-death line.

It’s been tragic watching pro-life LNP candidates and MPs throw their pro-life principles in the bin rather than stand up to the party bullies.

It’s been just as tragic watching others acquiesce through their silence.

A new movie about the life of German resistance leader Dietrich Bonhoeffer comes out next month.

He was famous for saying “silence in the face of evil is evil itself, not to act is to act, not to speak is to speak”.

Nothing has been learned since the early 1930s.

The abortion debate spilled over into federal politics this week when Coalition Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price was asked about what was going on in Queensland.

She told the Sydney Morning Hearld that she could not support late-term abortions because “our aim should always be on maintaining life”.

She went on to say “late term is anywhere past the [first] trimester as far as I’m concerned … full-term becomes infanticide and I cannot agree with that.”

She was immediately shouted down by Liberal Deputy Susan Ley and Liberal Senator Jane Hume who were both keen to say their party would not support changing abortion laws which at federal level compel even pro-life taxpayers to pay for the killing of babies through their Medicare levy

Meanwhile back in Queensland, pro-life advocacy group Cherish Life is conducting its usual “put Labor last” pre-election letterboxing campaign.

The brochure features a picture of Steven Miles. It should have included Crisafulli.

Labor, Greens and the LNP are now joined at the hip in gagging their MPs and candidates.

They are on a unity ticket denying human rights to the most vulnerable, right up until they breach their mother’s birth canal.

Join the fight for human rights for unborn babies and support for their mothers. Join the Family First Party today.