Family First’s Federal Executive has announced that the party’s National Director, Lyle Shelton, will lead its New South Wales Senate ticket at the up-coming federal election.
Mr Shelton said Family First has a vision to restore the nation by promoting, encouraging and protecting the most important group unity of society – the married, heterosexual family and its extended expression which is inclusive of non-married relatives and strangers alike.
“Strong families with good mothers and fathers make strong communities which in turn make a strong nation,” Mr Shelton said.
“Family, faith, life and freedom are the keys to a flourishing society.
“Family First seeks to fill the leadership vacuum in politics and give values voters a home.
“It’s time to put the best interests of the child at the centre of public policy, ahead of adult lifestyle choices.
“Sadly our politicians can’t define what a woman is, let alone a family.
“Liberal and Labor have failed to remove LGBTIQA+ gender fluid ideology programs in schools which are damaging the lives of too many precious young people.
“Family First will restore freedom of speech and freedom of religion by overhauling Australia’s regime of flawed anti-discrimination laws which allow even the threat of activist litigants to police our speech.
“Family First will restore the definition of woman in the Sex Discrimination Act so girls and women are again protected from the unfairness of biological males in their sports and encroachment in their private spaces.
"On the economy, Liberal and Labor have both bought into net zero madness which is unnecessarily driving up the cost of everything and making electricity unaffordable and dangerously unreliable.
“Family First will slow immigration and increase housing supply to put downward pressure on rents and mortgages.
“If housing is unaffordable, how can a young couple form a family? Australia should never have come to the point where we now have a generation locked out of the housing market. We have gone backwards; this must be fixed urgently” Mr Shelton said.
“Family First will reform the tax system so parents who choose to work in the home caring for their children are no longer financially discriminated against.
“While Family First is a party that welcomes people of all faiths and none, its core values promote the Judeo-Christian ethic upon which Australia was founded as the basis for civil society.”
Family First has so far endorsed Bernie Finn, who was expelled from the Liberal party for his pro-life and pro-family views, as its lead Senate candidate for Victoria.
Announcements of Senate candidates in other states will follow.
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