Family First Queensland Conference

When October 21, 2023 at 9:00am 3 hrs
Where New Hope Church 46 Kelvin Grove Road, Kelvin Grove, QLD 4059, Australia
Contact Lyle Shelton [email protected]

The election is coming but the debates that matter to your family are cancelled by the major parties. The truth about gender, freedom of speech and religion, human rights for the unborn, a sensible discussion about energy policy and many more. You can break the silence by joining with other like-minded people determined to build a political party that will fight in public at the up-coming Queensland election for what matters. Our aim is to start a conversation with you about next year's election. We can't afford to wait!


Hon Tom Kenyon: former SA Labor minister & current Chair of Family First.

Renee Bennett: Youth Alive National Director and presenter of the Girl Next Door podcast.

Dave Pellowe: The Good Sauce, convener of the Church And State Summit & ADH TV host.

Rob Norman: Australian Christian Lobby Queensland Director.

Hon Bernie Finn: former Victorian Liberal MP turned Family First Senate candidate.

Lyle Shelton: National Director of Family First.

There will be plenty of time for networking, discussion, Q&A. Morning tea included. Be part of changing politics in Queensland.


$20.00 AUD · Purchase tickets