Alan is a father and grandfather with 7 years experience in finance and 34 years in local small business.
A strong sense of ethics underpinned long term success as the owner/operator of Complete Car Sound 1989 till 2023. Skills in accounting, finance and administration combined well with the ability to listen to peoples needs, apply knowledge in a practical way and successfully formulate and implement hands on solutions.
Alan stands for values of Freedom, Family, Life and Faith and to serve the electorate. He believes human life starts at conception, that children must be protected and parents empowered to raise a happy, healthy, intelligent and well-grounded next generation.
Alan believes politicians must be truthful, accountable, practical and patriotic.
Contact Alan: [email protected]
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Your best gift today will have a direct impact on empowering Alan Denaro’s campaign for the seat of Lilley. Together, we can stand strong for faith, life, family and freedom.
Please donate today and join in making a difference for your family’s future.