Andrew has been married to Myra for 51 years, with 3 adult children.
He has worked mostly in construction and has owned and run a small business for several years in Grafton.
Andrew believes that we need to get back to basics, our governments need to start and do their duty of care for the citizens of Australia. Looking for the most efficient ways in which they can reduce the cost of living.
My interest in Family First is because of what they stand for family and Christian / Judeo values.
Our governments must address the cost of living and reduce their spending on so-called renewable energy, that they know will not be able to cope, as has been proven. We need to pause net zero policies until a proper cost benefit has been conducted,
We need to cut red tape and get out of the way of families and small businesses.
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Your best gift today will have a direct impact on empowering Andrew Grady’s campaign for the seat of Page. Together, we can stand strong for faith, life, family and freedom.
Please donate today and join in making a difference for your family’s future.