Donna Gallehawk, Candidate for Ryan

Donna Gallehawk and her husband have been married for 35 years. While raising and homeschooling four children, she has been a business owner, and active member in the church and various community organisations, and has held leadership roles in youth organisations for many years. Donna loves family life and believes that it is the foundation of society and therefore must be fiercely protected. Raising the next generation is such an important responsibility as the future of this great nation must be passed on from the achievements and lessons of the past.

Donna’s heart is for this next generation that has been bombarded with so many challenges, even including the questioning of their very existence and identity. She is passionate about providing stability for families in order to provide the support of affordable and safe services for them to grow. The policies of Family First encourage and build strong families for our great nation.

To ensure your family’s values are on the ballot at the upcoming Queensland State election, Donna has stepped up to give voters in the electorate of Ryan the choice to vote for family, faith, life and freedom.

Sadly the major parties have abandoned your values and Family First seeks to provide you the chance to vote for what matters with a clear conscience. Family First will not compromise.

Please vote #1 for Donna Gallehawk in Ryan and be sure to number every box.

Make Your Contribution Today

Your best gift today will have a direct impact on empowering Donna Gallehawk’s campaign for the seat of Ryan. Together, we can stand strong for faith, life, family and freedom.

Please donate today and join in making a difference for your family’s future.

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I understand donations to Family First Party Australia, if they total more than $16,900 from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025, will be disclosed to the Australian Electoral Commission and be available to the public.

I also understand that this donation is to Family First Party Australia, not any individual candidate or electorate. It may be used for any Federal purpose of the party.

Donations by individuals to registered political parties of more than $2 up to a total of $1,500 in a financial year may be tax deductible.
