Julie Rose, Candidate for Wright

Julie Rose is wife to Graham, mother of three daughters and grandmother of eight.  A local of three years having hailed from the Gold Coast.   

“Down here you know that Queensland is built on the land and it is amazing in this fertile valley. Rural needs are just as important as urban needs. Our producing capacity is valuable. But being rural in our ‘neck of the woods’ can mean we are so close, yet so far from the services we need.   

I am passionate about our community and the role we can play in providing services to create a safe, nurturing environment for families to thrive.    

I have worked in community, family and specifically youth and children's settings.  I love these varied environments with young & old, well and not so well, thriving & struggling - all on a journey.  

Families need to be built up not pulled down by political policy. People need to be connected, enabled, supported and encouraged to reach their potential in life… and then be free to help others.   

Family First is the party that will fight for family values, faith, parental rights, value of life, a great standard of living and common sense.  That’s why I choose to represent a party that provides an alternative to the big parties that have lost their way." 

Vote #1 Julie Rose for Wright this election and be sure to number every box. 

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Make Your Contribution Today and your best gift will directly empower Julie Rose's campaign for the seat of Wright. Together, we can stand strong for faith, life, family, and freedom.

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