To ensure your family’s values are on the ballot at the upcoming election, Melinda has stepped up to give voters in the electorate of Moreton the choice to vote for family, faith, life and freedom.
Sadly the major parties have abandoned your values and Family First seeks to provide you the chance to vote for what matters with a clear conscience. Family First will not compromise.
Melinda believes strong families, freedom for faith, and protecting the most vulnerable are critical for the future of our community and our nation.
Please vote #1 for Melinda Keller in Moreton and be sure to number every box.
Make Your Contribution Today
Make Your Contribution Today and your best gift will directly empower Melinda Keller's campaign for the seat of Moreton. Together, we can stand strong for faith, life, family, and freedom.
Please donate today and join in making a difference for your family's future.