Peter Jackel, Candidate for Cowper

Peter has been married for 36 years, and raised a family of 5 adult children with his wife, Samantha. He has had a varied work background which includes the operation of an IT consultancy, event management for charities, pastoral work with a number of churches and most recently operating a new small business.

Peter believes that all governments have as their sole, core responsibility, a duty to care for its citizens. When governments fail in this duty, and instead pander to minority interest groups, woke social agendas, big corporations or globalist ideals, they become irrelevant, illegitimate and harmful. Our government in Australia has been captured by woke, progressive social agendas which have had dramatically negative effects throughout our communities. From expensive, irrational energy policy to harmful LGBT pandering, from backing futile wars to abandoning women’s sex based rights, from describing abortion as 'healthcare' to refusing to reign-in or audit spiralling social service costs.

Peter's interest in running as a Family First candidate flows from his concern that our successive Australian governments have continued to undermine its Judeo/Christian heritage and values. This has led to a dramatic shift from traditional values concerning marriage, family, the right to life, and the dignity of the human person. There has even been a departure from biological facts that underpin our basic understanding of gender.

Peter is asking for your support to help give families like yours a voice in our nation's capital, and bring back some common sense to public policy.

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Your best gift today will have a direct impact on empowering Peter Jackel's campaign for the seat of Cowper. Together, we can stand strong for faith, life, family, and freedom.

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