WARNING: Your religious freedom is under fire like never before

Right now, it’s perfectly legal in some states like NSW for a shop to display a sign saying, “NO CHRISTIANS”.  

And some state governments want to prevent faith-based schools from deliberately hiring teachers who share their values.

Australians have been promised legal protection for their religious freedom for nearly 5 years.

But the federal parliament has failed to deliver.

And woke activists are attacking the Judeo-Christian family values our nation was founded on.

If you don’t fight for your religious freedom now, it will be lost.

The Albanese Government might be giving lip service to this… but more action is needed now.

Christian schools are being attacked for trying to maintain their faith-based code of conduct.

And ALL people of faith are facing very real and present threats.

So, take action right now to protect your family, freedom and faith.

Sign this petition today to tell the federal parliament to legally protect your religious freedom.

50,000 signatures

To the Senators and Members of the Parliament of Australia:

Australians have been promised legal protection for their religious freedom for nearly 5 years.

But the federal parliament has failed to deliver.

And now woke activists are attacking the Judeo-Christian family values our nation was founded on.

We respectfully call on honourable members and senators to take strong and decisive action to protect all people of faith in Australia who are facing very real and present threats.

Please enact strong legal protections for religious freedom for Australians now.

Will you sign?