Family First was pleased to support last weekend’s successful Walk for Life in Adelaide.
South Australian Family First committee members Deepa Mathew, Jack Snelling and Chris Black (pictured above) were among 4500 marchers.
The march was subject to a media blackout, such is the prejudice towards human rights for unborn babies that exists in mainstream media.
The SA Walk for Life, brilliantly organised by Love Adelaide, is arguably now the biggest pro-life march in the nation.
It exists to remind politicians that the 2021 passing of abortion-to-birth laws under then then Stephen Marshall Liberal Government was a gross injustice.
Family First is committed to the pro-life, pro-mother cause. It is the sacred duty of anyone in politics to fight for the voiceless. A party or parliamentarian that will not do that publicly is not worthy of holding office.
Love Adelaide provides the following statement on its website:
We decree that all children from conception forward are human beings and from this day that the unborn child now and forever be set free and shall be welcomed in life and protected by our laws.
We join in this noble endeavour to speak for those children in the womb that cannot speak for themselves, we decree Let Them Live!
Family First concurs.