Anthony Albanese and Dan Andrews must meet Californian adolescent girl Chloe Cole.
The Prime Minister because Labor policy is to provide taxpayer money for sex change operations on “LGBTQ+ young people”.
The Victorian Premier because his "conversion therapy" law would put Cole in jail for telling parents “do not transition your kids”.
Cole (pictured) is 17. On her Twitter bio she says she is female, a “former trans kid”, that she started on testosterone and puberty blockers at 13, had “top surgery” (her breasts removed) at 15 and then detransitioned at 16.
"I really didn’t understand all of the ramifications of any of the medical decisions that I was making," Cole told a public inquiry in Florida last week, where the government of Ron DeSantis is considering banning taxpayer funding of sex change operations for minors.
"I was unknowingly physically cutting off my true self from my body, irreversibly and painfully."
Why can’t we tell this to the kids sitting in Andrews’ “safe schools” classes?
It’s not just Andrews, sadly. Every jurisdiction in Australia, whether run by the Coalition or Labor, includes gender fluidity teaching at school, “where it purple” days and all manner of rainbow woke ideology.
Queensland and the ACT have similar “conversion therapy” bans while Tasmania and New South Wales, both Liberal States, are considering them.
Australian kids are banned from hearing stories like Cole’s.
In a further videotaped interview with Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo released by Cole on Twitter, she said:
“I don’t know if I’ll be able to fully carry a child and I might be at increased risk for certain cancers, namely cervical cancer. Because I do not have my breasts – I no longer have breasts – I’m not able to breast feed whatever future children I have.
“That realisation was one of the biggest things that leads me realising that this was not the path that I should have taken.”
As a father of a daughter, I want to weep.
"If you are considering transitioning, please wait until you are a fully developed adult," Cole, told Fox News.
Her story is similar to high profile British detransitioner Kiera Bell who sued her gender clinic for putting her on puberty blockers at 15.
Like Cole, Bell went on to have her breasts removed before detransitioning.
“I could never have a real penis,” Bell wrote in an expert witness statement.
While Labor, the “modern Liberals”, the Greens and Teals are all in with the transgender agenda for children, medical experts overseas and at Sydney’s Westmead hospital are increasingly urging caution as more and more stories like Cole’s and Bell’s emerge.
Australian politicians however seem oblivious to what experts are saying and take their instructions from political activists like Anna Brown of Equality Australia, a permanent political campaign machine for radical LGBTIQ+ ideology.
Brown has played a key role in going after Christian schools which seek to protect girls from the intrusion of biological males in their sport and private spaces.
It’s unlikely Albo and Andrews would ever meet Cole of Bell. They have invested too much political capital in rainbow ideology to turn back now.
Easier to pretend they don’t exist or are just part of a right wing conspiracy.
The last word should go to Cole.
"Transitioning can damage your body and mind in ways that we may not fully understand."
If only Australia had a leader with the courage of Ron DeSantis.
Lyle Shelton is National Director of Family First. Sign up today.
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