Porn trade lobbyist turned Victorian MP, Fiona Patten, wants to force religious hospitals to kill unborn babies.

The Sex Party founder (now known as “Reason Party) last week introduced a bill into the Upper House designed to strip public funding from hospitals that protect human life by declining to perform abortions.

Patten said there was no place for “imposed religious faith” as she sought to impose a brutal secular ethic upon mothers and babies.

“Publicly funded hospitals and other health institutions have no right to refuse these legally enshrined rights that a woman has control over her body and reproductive health,” Patten said.

There is no shortage of abortion mills in Victoria but if religious hospitals were forced to close there would be a chronic shortage of health services.

There is no serious public demand or need for religious hospitals to provide abortions, this is yet another example of Patten’s anti-religious animus seeking to impose conformity.

Reporting on Patten’s bill, the Guardian Australia referred to pregnant women as “pregnant persons”, perpetuating a biological lie to placate LGBTIQA+ political activists.

Sadly, the Liberal-National Opposition Health Spokeswoman Georgie Crozier said she supported Victoria’s abortion-to-birth laws and would not say if the opposition would back Patten’s bill.

Patten represents the Northern Metropolitan region of Melbourne in Victoria’s Legislative Council.

Before entering parliament she was a lobbyist for the porn trade, protecting brands like Playboy which sexualised children.

Family First is seeking candidates to run against Patten at the November 26 election so voices for human rights for the unborn, protection against male coercion of mothers and religious freedom can replace her.

Patten’s bill to defund pro-life hospitals is set for debate next week.

Lyle Shelton is National Director of Family First. Never miss an update, sign up here.