Are Australian politicians responsible for the “worst medical scandal in 100 years”?

Fear of confronting the small but powerful LGBTIQA+ political lobby, means Australian politicians are enabling what is shaping to be the “worst medical scandal in 100 years”.

Yet more evidence of the harm child gender clinics are causing confused children emerged this week in a legal paper by Victorian family law barrister Belle Lane.

She documents for the Australian Family Law Association that there is a lack of clinical consensus on the concept of gender dysphoria.

This means children are being mistreated for their gender confusion, something which could open even more medical negligence cases.

A contributor Lane’s paper, University of Queensland emeritus professor of law, Professor Patrick Parkinson, warns Family Court judges greenlighting gender treatments on children could be contributing to the “worst medical scandal in 100 years”.

In fairness to the judges, it is politicians who have created the legal environment for this scandal.

It is children’s bodies that are being irreversibly damaged by the medicalisation of LGBTIQA+ gender-fluid ideology, something Liberal and Labor politicians have allowed to be taught in schools for years.

Harmful puberty blockers and cross sex hormones are now routinely prescribed to children who, conditioned at school and through LGBTIQA+ propaganda on social media, think they might be trapped in the wrong body.

Even “top” and “bottom” surgery, as LGBTIQA+ activists euphemistically call double mastectomies on girls and the castration of boys, have been accepted as legitimate “gender affirming” medical “care” by politicians who almost never investigate the claims of rainbow activists.

According to the Australian newspaper, Lane’s paper:

“…tracks the development of the Australian ‘standards of care’ for the treatment of gender dysphoria, authored by prominent Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne paediatrician Michelle Telfer, as being based upon the so-called ‘gold standard’ Dutch model which was based on an extraordinarily small sample of patients, which has now been critically reassessed in several countries, prompting greater safeguards for adolescents.”

Lane writes:

“There are significant concerns about quality and applicability of the Dutch studies to the current cohort of children presenting at gender clinics.

“Many of the children have complex mental health, neurodiversity, and adverse childhood experiences. Most of these children would have been excluded under the original Dutch protocol, however now almost all the safeguards of the original Dutch protocols have been removed. Treatment is now based on a child’s subjective identity in a child-led process, a situation unheard of in other areas of medicine.

“The Dutch studies would not meet the standards of evidence-based medicine today.

“The asserted positive results of the Dutch studies are questioned and have not been able to be repeated in subsequent studies, yet the gender-affirming treatment pathway remains. Over time, awareness of risks of harm of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgery have increased and underlying assumptions such as puberty blockers acting as a pause have been discredited.”

Lane’s paper follows concerns raised (but ignored by politicians) by researchers at Sydney’s Children’s Hospital Westmead back in February.

The Australian newspaper reported at the time:

“Endocrine reviews of the CHW patient cohort documented side-effects in 23 of the 49 young people prescribed puberty blockers, including low bone density, hot flushes, weight gain and anxiety. The CHW doctors raised concerns about the long-term effects on patients’ sexual function in adulthood.”

The CHW study found 88 percent of children presenting had at least one co-morbid mental health condition with “44 out of 50 patients diagnosed with gender dysphoria reporting ongoing mental health concerns four to nine years after presentation”.

In other words, treating children for gender with puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and possibly even surgery is not solving their problem.

It is well known that puberty blockers are not reversible and can cause infertility.

Yet there has been an explosion of Australian children presenting at child gender clinics in Australia with numbers increasing ten-fold from just 211 in 2014 to 2067 in 2021.

How many more warnings to Australian politicians need before they close the child gender clinics?