Kirralie Smith has won round one after LGBTIQA+ activists launched multiple legal actions against her for calling out biological males playing soccer against girls and women.
After police turned up at her home and served her with papers for an Apprehended Violence Order the Binary Australia spokeswoman was forced to attend Burwood Local Court in Sydney yesterday.
She arrived with her lawyer, former NSW Attorney General Greg Smith, to find the AVO had been withdrawn.
“We won!!!!!!' she posted on X, formerly known as Twitter. “The AVO was withdrawn!!!!
“It is not violence to defend women’s spaces or sport.”
She also posted on X:
“The first win in this series of law fare against me is greatly encouraging. I still have an AVO application by another male player in a female team & 2 vilification complaints.
“I will stand firm & not shrink back.
“I will have this week off to celebrate & recover & be back soon!”
The idea that Smith posed a threat to the biological male identifying as a female soccer player is ludicrous and clearly those bringing the legal action did not want to face further embarrassment in court.
Sadly, the Liberal and Labor parties will not change the Sex Discrimination Act which allows biological males to identify as girls or women, making their sport and private spaces unsafe.
Family First is raising a political movement to elect women and men into the Parliaments of Australia who will restore biological truth and freedom of speech to law.
More on this case is at the Daily Mail.
Smith spoke recently at the Family First National Conference in Sydney.
Disclosure: Lyle Shelton is a (proud) director of Gender Awareness Australia, which is Binary’s governing board.
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