Christopher Brohier, Senate Candidate for South Australia

Christopher is a barrister who has practised law in South Australia for about 42 years. Christopher has worked in many country areas as well as in Adelaide.

For the last 7 years Christopher has also worked for the Australian Christian Lobby, as the SA, Tasmanian, and Northern Territory State Director and recently as the National Director of Policy. Christopher has been in the forefront of most of the State and Federal policy issues in which the ACL campaigned. He (with his wife Amanda) led the "No" campaign for the 2017 plebiscite in relation to same-sex marriage, was deeply involved in the successful campaign against the decriminalisation of prostitution in SA, the campaign against abortion to birth legislation in SA, and the campaign to retain federal protections for Christian and faith-based schools and institutions. 

Christopher was a co-founder of the Human Rights Law Alliance, which is now involved in key freedom litigation. He is currently Counsel Assisting for the HRLA. Christopher has represented Christian men and women in many cases where they have been discriminated against because of their faith, including representing Kathy Clubb and Graham Preston in their challenge to exclusion zone laws in the High Court.

Christopher has extensive experience in dealing and negotiating with politicians and understands the political process well.

Christopher has been married to Amanda for 33 years. They have 4 wonderful adult children, a beautiful daughter in law, 2 Labradors, and 6 chooks. 

Christopher has been a Christian for 44 years and is member of Trinity Church Lockleys. 

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