Taxpayer-funded legal action has re-commenced against Family First National Director Lyle Shelton.
After the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal last month dismissed “hate speech” charges levelled by two LGBTIQA+ drag queens, they lodged an appeal late on Friday night.
Shelton wrote a blog in January 2020 criticising the Liberal National Party-run Brisbane City Council for allowing gender fluid and sexualised role models to be placed in front of little children at a public library.
After three years, a three-day trial and hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal costs, QCAT Member Jeremy Gordon ruled that Shelton acted in good faith and had not breached the Anti-Discrimination Act by vilifying the drag queens on the basis of their gender or sexual identity.
Backed by the taxpayer-funded LGBTQI Legal Service in West End, the drag queens want the matter re-heard by QCAT with a different Member presiding.
“My family and I are not thrilled by the prospect of more years of being dragged through the courts.
“My lawyers at the Human Rights Law Alliance receive no taxpayer money
“Most Australians think we have freedom of speech. We don’t. It is time for politicians to do their job and amend Australia’s flawed regime of discrimination law which since the de-gendering of marriage in law has become easily weaponised against mainstream Australians by taxpayer-funded activists.”
Read more on Lyle Shelton’s blog.