Forget cost of living, abortion and euthanasia Albanese’s top priorities

Expanding access to abortion and euthanasia have emerged as top priorities in the Albanese Government’s first week of Parliament.

Labor is wasting no time with controversial social policy reform, seeking to allow nurses and midwives to hand out abortion pills to expectant mothers, by-passing doctors.

The irony of turning midwives into abortionists seems lost on the Albanese Government.

Despite claiming a busy legislative agenda, the Albanese Government will carve out time for a private members bill to be rushed into Parliament next week to allow territory governments to legalise euthanasia.

With government-caused domestic shortages of gas, oil and coal contributing to high petrol and winter heating bills, bringing down the cost of living might have been a higher priority for the new government.

MS Health, a not-for-profit subsidiary of Australia’s biggest abortion business, Marie Stopes Australia, wants government approval so nurses and midwives can hand out pills which poison unborn babies.

Assistant Health Minister Ged Kearney said the government “would welcome applications to the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) and the PBAC (Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee) that seek to remove barriers to access”.

“In light of Roe vs Wade and the changing of abortion rights in the US, I know many Australian women are concerned about access to termination,” Kearney told The Australian.

“Access to affordable termination is a crucial part of healthcare for women.”

Kearney seems unaware that the Supreme Court of the United States’ overturning of the 1973 Roe v Wade decision simply brings US law into line with Australian law, allowing state legislatures the democratic right to say yes or no to abortion.

Most Australian states have voted for abortion-to-birth laws making ours among the most extreme in the world.

But the Albanese government said it wants to make it even easier for unborn babies to be killed through a “streamlined national framework”.

Meanwhile at the Labor caucus meeting in Canberra on Monday it was decided to fast-track euthanasia for the territories.

If passed next week, the ACT and the Northern Territory legislatures would be allowed to make laws for doctors to kill patients.

Lyle Shelton is National Director of Family First. Never miss an update, sign up here.