Politicians who can’t keep the gas up to our cooktops and the lights on in our homes need to be replaced.

Not only is supply of such necessities in doubt, but the cost is also through the roof.

It’s hard to fathom how a resource-rich nation has come to this.

But anyone who follows politics, which sadly is not enough of us, knows the cost-of-living crisis is the fault of our pathetic political class.

Newsflash: it’s not the war in Ukraine.

How could it be Ukraine when we are awash in gas, coal and uranium?

“Wealth for toil” is an apt line in our anthem.

Australia should be an energy superpower creating prosperity for its people off our competitive advantage.

Instead, families are struggling to pay their electricity, petrol and gas bills.

News today that Australia, the world’s largest producer of LNG has a domestic gas shortage, should be cause for national shame.

It’s clear we can’t get our act together and we’ve degenerated to third world status.

The Australian Energy Market Operator is warning that electricity generators that burn gas may have to switch to diesel because east coast states face a “catastrophic supply shortfall from next year”.

AEMO’s latest missive follows repeated warnings that closing coal-fired power stations without replacing them with alternative base-load electricity generation risks summer blackouts.

The bi-partisan commitment to net zero policies which de-carbonise the economy without like-for-life replacement energy sources is putting Australia on the road to ruin.

The Liberal/Labor/Teal/Green consensus on climate catastrophism needs to be broken so the Australian people can again have affordable and reliable electricity and gas.

A handful of politicians see this and are speaking but it is not enough.

Former union boss and Labor MP Jennie George at the weekend became the first Labor figure to join Coalition figures such as Matt Canavan, Renee Heath, Alex Antic and Gerard Rennick in calling out net zero as unachievable and something that is hurting people unnecessarily.

Expressing concern about job losses and price hikes caused by net zero, George told the Weekend Australian: “Do I keep my mouth shut and just accept everything that’s happening, or if I feel really strongly, which I do, do I speak out. I felt a responsibility to question.”

But federal Labor’s Energy Minister Chris Bowen continues on his merry way ramping up the roll-out of taxpayer-subsidised windmills and solar panels with not viable plan to keep the lights on when the sun is not shining and the wind is not blowing.

“The Albanese government is delivering policies to better manage projected supply issues, working with the states to expand AEMO’s powers to manage seasonal and localised gas supply shortfalls, including boosting domestic gas storage,” a spokeswoman for Bowen told The Australian yesterday.

This week Bowen was crowing that electricity prices are forecast to fall slightly.

But since he came to office, the price of electricity has risen by $750 per year in western Sydney, making even the most generous forecast of a 10pc drop pale into insignificance.

Electricity prices would need to drop by $1000 per year in western Sydney if the government’s election promise of a $275 per year fall by 2025 was to be met.

Australia’s energy situation is a cruel joke inflicted upon struggling families by climate-obsessed politicians who care nothing for engineering or economics.

Family First has called for net zero policies to be paused until a proper cost benefit is conducted.

Instead, both sides of politics (Peter Dutton has reaffirmed his commitment to it) are wedded to net zero without knowing if it is even feasible.

So instead of reducing emissions, our net zero political crusaders have created a situation where burning diesel instead of gas to produce electricity is likely to be required.

This obviously produces more CO2 than burning gas. The result of the ridiculous and unscientific banning of fracking in Victoria and other areas on the east coast of Australia as well as the hold up in gas approvals and a refusal to institute gas reservation policies is now coming home to roost.

It’s a crazy combination of green irrationality and economic zealotry.

Gas reservation policy is putting aside some gas production for Australian domestic and industrial use.

Western Australia has a reservation policy and funnily enough, is not running out of gas.

ACTION: Join the political party that is fighting the root cause of the cost of living crisis.