Media Release: NRL clubs right to keep rainbow politics out

Family First agrees with the overwhelming majority of National Rugby League clubs that rainbow politics should be kept out of their sport.

A survey of CEOs and board chairs, undertaken by the Sydney Morning Herald, revealed 80 per cent did not want a so-called “Pride Round”.

New South Wales upper house candidate Lyle Shelton said radical rainbow politics should be kept out of sport.

“Just let people enjoy the footy.

“Millions of Australians are not on board with radical LGBTIQA+ indoctrination of their children at school and shouldn’t be forced to celebrate this agenda when they go to watch a rugby league game.

“At a time when the harms to children of LGBTIQA+ gender fluid ideology in child gender clinics are being exposed, the last thing the NRL should be doing is promoting rainbow politics.”

Mr Shelton said it was telling that the following statement from an NRL club official was given to the SMH on the condition of anonymity: “You can’t have a Pride Round and promote it as being inclusive if you exclude people’s views of which you do not agree”. Mr Shelton said: “If Pride Rounds promoted inclusivity and tolerance, why are people afraid to express their views openly and why are religious players, like the Manly 7, excluded from the game?”