A bill which leads children into irreversible transgender chemical and surgical treatments and criminalises parents for trying to protect them will be vigorously opposed.

Family First-backed independent candidate for the NSW Upper House, Lyle Shelton, said if elected he would publicly fight Independent MP Alex Greenwich’s plan to introduce a so-called “equality bill”.

“Mr Greenwich has indicated he wants to ban so-called conversion therapy.

“But if this bill is anything like the Victorian Change and Suppression Act supported by both Labor and Liberal, parents could be jailed for trying to talk their child out of an irreversible sex change operation.

“Woke LGBTIQA+ political activists don’t own children, they are the responsibility of their parents.  Mums and Dads have every right to warn their children of the consequences of following rainbow ideology without fear of being fined or going to jail.”

Mr Shelton has already signalled that if elected, he will introduce a private members bill to ban the use of puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and surgery on minors.

Contact Lyle Shelton: [email protected]