Medicos fear children are being harmed by LGBTIQA+ gender clinics

Supporters of LGBTIQA+ gender-fluid ideology are playing a dangerous game with the lives of vulnerable children.

Today’s Weekend Australian carries yet more bombshell revelations about previously suppressed medical opinion of fears child gender clinics are harming children.

The latest is a leaked 2019 letter from the Medical Affairs Committee of the Endocrine Society of Australia.

The letter questions the so-called “affirmation approach” of the child gender clinic at the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, which wrote the official standards other Australian clinics follow.

These standards assume gender-confused children must be “affirmed” and put on a path to treatment which often includes irreversible puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and in some cases genital and breast removal surgery.

But The Weekend Australian reveals the ESA wrote to the Royal Australasian College of Physicians saying it could not support the so-called “affirmative approach” to children’s gender confusion.

“ESA does not support formal RACP endorsement of the RCH document at this time,” the November 2019 letter says.

“This is a complex area, the evidence base is limited and the RCH document largely reflects the authors’ opinion because, as the authors themselves state, ‘the published evidence on the topic prohibited the assessment of level (and quality) of evidence for these recommendations’.

“Secondly, there are sufficient concerns expressed in the correspondence received by RACP, and by other parties, to warrant further inquiry prior to making a decision on endorsement.”

These concerns were covered up and the Australian reports that the ESA has since recanted.

The persistence of medical elites with the “affirmative” approach is in stark contrast to the UK which last year closed its child gender clinic, the Tavistock Centre, after victims sued it.

Furthermore England’s National Health Service last month banned the use of puberty blockers on children saying:

“There is not enough evidence to support their safety or clinical effectiveness as a routinely available treatment.”

Family First reiterates its call for an urgent Royal Commission into Australia’s child gender clinics.

Like Tavistock, they should be closed pending such an inquiry.

Finland and Sweden have also begun limiting the use of puberty blockers and France and Norway are urging caution.

In contrast, Australia’s child gender conversion therapy clinics continue to prescribe puberty blockers, even falsely claiming their side effects are reversible.

The Weekend Australian reports:

“The RCH (Melbourne’s child gender clinic) website currently states ‘as (puberty blockers) are reversible in their effects, should an adolescent wish to stop taking them at any time, their biological puberty will resume’.”

But back in 2019, the ESA stated the science in its now-recanted letter.

“There are gaps in the evidence that the RCH document does not adequately address, one instance being the statement that GnRH analogs to block puberty progression are reversible. The evidence in children for that statement is limited: one review is cited of long-term follow-up of children treated with GnRH analogs for central precocious puberty. For boys, that summarises the only four very small, disparate and inconclusive studies available, two of which describe no long-term follow-up and none showed any meaningful evidence of ‘full reversibility’.”

Clearly what we are witnessing is a medical scandal of the highest order.

Liberal and Labor politicians have been ignoring the evidence for years.

Labor governments in Queensland, the ACT and Victoria (with the support of the Liberals) have made it illegal for doctors, counsellors or priests to offer any alternative to the “affirmation” pathway to gender confused children.

Jail terms apply and in Victoria, under its Change and Suppression Act, the jail terms apply to parents who try and stop their child running off to a gender clinic.

Not many Australians know this.

As a result, children continue to be experimented on using dodgy and dangerous LGBTIQA+ gender conversion therapy practices.

ACTION: Sign Family First's petition to close the child gender clinics.