We can relax, the planet is not “boiling”, as globalists at the United Nations claimed this week.
The climate scare is easily de-bunked – it was hotter in the 1930s when human emissions of C02 were far, far less.
While inconvenient truths abound, facts don’t dent façades erected by religious cults.
It was no less than the UN secretary-general António Guterres who declared:
"The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived".
He claimed July was the hottest summer on record, a big claim.
It took the Australian newspaper’s US correspondent, the brilliant Adam Creighton, 30 seconds to de-bunk that nonsense.
He interviewed two scientists.
John Christy, a professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Alabama at Huntsville, told Creighton that heatwaves in the first half of the 20th century were at least as intense as those of more recent decades based on consistent, long-term weather stations going back over a century.
“I haven‘t seen anything yet this summer that’s an all-time record for these long term stations, 1936 still holds by far the record for the most number of stations with the hottest ever temperatures.”
Creighton also reported that Cliff Mass, professor of Atmospheric Sciences at University of Washington, said the public was being “misinformed on a massive scale” following a deluge of news reports that summer heatwaves in the US and Europe had pushed July’s average temperature above 17 degrees, and allegedly to the highest level in 120,000 years.
Australia’s energy policy rests on misinformation on a massive scale, and consequently the bottom line on our electricity bills does too.
But Labor and Liberal politicians use the scare to justify their net zero policies which are fuelling the cost-of-living crisis.
Electricity prices are out of control and will only get worse as state and federal governments continue to roll out expensive and unreliable windmills and solar panels.
Family First’s candidate in the Warrandyte by-election in Melbourne, Richard Griffith-Jones, was able to get Family First’s policy of pausing action on net zero until we know how much it will cost into the Herald Sun.
Liberal and Labor have not costed their net zero policies.
The Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese insisted on radio two weeks ago that we just have to do it but couldn’t explain how.
But what’s increasingly clear is the engineering and economics don’t add up.
Claire Lehmann, writing in the Australian, points out that the oft-repeated mantra that renewables are the cheapest form of energy, something never demonstrated on an electricity bill, is false.
The claim repeated endlessly by “energy” minister Chris Bowen rests on a single CSIRO report which, by its own admission, does not take into account the enormous sunk costs of overhauling electricity generation and distribution.
These sunk costs include the unrealistic job of installing 22,0000 solar panels per day, 40 industrial wind towers per month and 10,000 kilometres of new towers and wires.
Anyone who knows anything about the inputs into retail pricing knows that someone has to pay the sunk costs and that is always the consumer. Santa Clause is a mythical figure.
Electricity is not going to get cheaper any time soon if Labor and Liberal press on with net zero.
Nuclear is the only technologically possible option for achieving net zero and the Liberals are taking baby steps in that direction, but Australia is a long way from lifting the bi-partisan ban on its use.
While claims the planet is “boiling” are laughable, the possibility our kettles won’t be is plausible.