The green-left-leaning independent Senator for the ACT, David Pocock, today used his vote to scuttle any hope of a Senate inquiry into the ACT Government’s forced takeover of the Catholic-owned Calvary Hospital.
Nationals Senator Matt Canavan was working to establish an inquiry to shine a light on the government theft of church property and needed cross bench support.
Save Calvary taskforce chairman Father Tony Percy recorded a video outside Parliament House breaking the news but re-iterating that the fight to save Calvary is only just beginning.
Family First shares the concern of the Catholic Church that the forced takeover of religious assets by an anti-religious government sets a dangerous precedent.
The ACT Government hates Calvary’s pro-life position, one which means it won’t participate in elective abortions or euthanasia, two articles of faith of the radical Left.
Sadly, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has backed the takeover.
Family First is concerned that governments hostile to religious and mainstream views on marriage and gender might attempt similar property grabs in the future.
Family First urges everyone to sign the Save Calvary petition.
If Calvary’s private property is not safe, no-one’s is.
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