Taxpayer money for Rome’s “pride” parade axed

It’s “pride” month when some western nations celebrate everything LGBTIQA+ with no thought to the consequences.

But it’s no longer all smooth sailing for rainbow political activists.

As popular global children’s television program Sesame Street inducted toddlers into the harmful gender-fluid and sexualised world of “pride month”, a regional government in Italy axed funding from Rome’s “pride” parade to be held this Saturday.

The approach to global “pride” month in American and Italy could not be starker.

The Lazio region, which takes in the Italian capital, is similar to an Australian state government.

It’s president Francesco Rocca, is aligned with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who is steering Italy in a family-friendly direction.

Francesco Rocca’s government pulled the “pride” parade funding because the organisers were openly promoting surrogacy for homosexual men, an unethical practice of procuring children because it robs a child of the love of his or her mother.

(Family First believes surrogacy is also unethical in heterosexual contexts for the same reason).

Australian same-sex marriage activists have been pushing for the legalisation of commercial surrogacy because they don’t believe enough women are available who are willing to gestate a baby for free.

They want a commercial rental market for women’s wombs and a cash market for babies.

But in Italy, the government is putting children’s rights first.

The Reuters news agency reported:

“Meloni's government has told mayors to stop registering the children of same-sex parents and her ruling coalition has presented a bill aimed at prosecuting couples who go abroad to have a baby via a surrogate.”

Family First believes the rights of children to know the love of their mother and father, wherever possible, should take precedence over the desires of adults.

Children sadly miss out on a mother or father because of tragedy or desertion but it should never happen because government policy mandates it.

Family First also agrees with Sky News host James Macpherson who wrote on his Substack this week that parents should be concerned about Sesame Street’s “pride” month agenda.

“Children’s television program Sesame Street is celebrating Gay Pride month.

“This of course raises the question, why does Sesame Street want to celebrate divergent sexual orientations with your children?”

Macpherson went on to say:

“And as for gay activists who get upset when people insist that G is for Groomers, here’s an idea - and it’s just a suggestion - maybe people will stop complaining about you grooming children if you stop pushing sexual orientations and gender fluidity onto kids.”

Family First believes all taxpayer funding should be withdrawn from so-called “pride” events.

If Rome can do it, so can we.