With record small businesses failures, energy prices must be cut

With record small businesses failures, energy prices must be cut

Family First is committed to standing up for small businesses by fighting for a sensible approach to energy policy that moves away from renewables, which are only driving up energy prices and hurting the economy.

With company insolvencies hitting record highs—over 6,600 businesses failing in just six months—it is clear that the reckless net zero policies pursued by both major parties are unsustainable and cannot influence the climate.

WATCH Tom Kenyon’s address “Why Renewables Don’t Work”

Energy costs are one of the biggest contributors to Australia’s economic crisis, pushing small businesses to the brink under the weight of inflation and rising electricity bills.

Family First’s Senate candidates—Lyle Shelton in New South Wales, Bernie Finn in Victoria, and Christopher Brohier in South Australia—are campaigning to stop the roll-out of costly and unreliable renewable energy projects.

So too are the party's 59 candidates standing at the October 26 Queensland election along with the 11 standing at the October 19 ACT election.

These candidates are determined to bring down energy prices by promoting policies that prioritise affordable and reliable power for all Australians.

Small businesses, which employ over 5 million people and account for one-third of the nation’s GDP, are the backbone of the economy, and they need real solutions, not empty promises.

The Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA) has warned that the current economic environment is the most challenging in living memory, with 57 per cent of small business owners reporting high levels of financial stress.

Yet, both Labor and the Coalition continue to push forward with expensive energy transitions that Australia simply cannot afford.

Small businesses across key industries such as construction, retail, and hospitality are paying the price for these misguided policies, with many forced into insolvency.

Family First’s Senate campaign will continue to focus on common-sense energy solutions that work for businesses and families.

It’s time to put people over ideology and stop the reckless roll-out of renewables that are crippling Australia’s economy.