The ACT Government’s expansion of free abortions to include access at GP clinics  coincides with Family First’s lodgement of its party registration application ahead of the October election.

With the Liberals offering no resistance to the Labor-Green government’s abortion-to-birth regime funded by taxpayers, Family First is working to ensure voters can cast an ethical pro-life vote.

The Andrew Barr government, in coalition with the Greens, is arguably Australia’s most anti-life government.

It is charging taxpayers $4.6 million a year to kill unborn babies.

It forcibly acquired Calvary Hospital from the Catholic Church because the hospital was pro-life.

The Canberra Times reported this week:

The government has partnered with health advocacy organisation Women's Health Matters to incentivise general practices which provide abortions at no cost.

The general practices taking part are the Watson General Practice and Canberra Family Planning in Tuggeranong. Neither practice does surgical abortions but people can access medical abortions until nine weeks gestation.

So-called “medical abortions” involve prescribing a poisonous pill to the mother which starves the unborn baby of nutrients in the womb so he or she dies.

While waiting for the ACT Electoral Commission to process its party application, Family First is calling for candidates willing to ensure life, family, marriage and freedom are on the ballot.

Anyone interested can email [email protected].

ACTION: Join the party fighting for human rights for unborn babies and for support for mothers with unsupported pregnancy.