Family First welcomes move to nuclear power

Family First welcomes move to nuclear power


Family First welcomes the Coalition’s plan to build nuclear power plants.

The party has long called for a pause on net zero policies which have hurt families and business by driving the closure of affordable and reliable power generation.

The rush to so-called renewables has done nothing but hike electricity prices and make energy supply uncertain.

A transition to nuclear can achieve net zero aims without destroying the economy and the environment.

Because nuclear is zero emissions, it ends the climate wars which have paralysed Australian politics for 20 years.

Family First agrees with Nationals leader David Littleproud the that the transition to zero emissions nuclear power means large scale windmill and solar projects subsidised by taxpayers are likely to be redundant.

The transition should be from coal-to-gas-to-nuclear using existing sites and transmission lines and therefore minimising environmental and agricultural land destruction.

Nuclear is a win for householders’ electricity bills, the environment, for farmers’ property rights and for jobs-creating industry.

Family First welcomes common sense finally being applied to the energy and climate debate.

Media note: The above is attributable to Family First Senate Candidates Bernie Finn (Victoria) and Lyle Shelton (NSW). Contact [email protected]