Family First wishes every Australian a happy Australia Day!
We are pleased to see the rising push-back on those who for years have relentlessly tried to destroy our national day by making us ashamed of our past.
Of course, no country is perfect, but amongst the nations of the world few have done as well as us in addressing mistakes and forging a land of opportunity for all.
Things feel different as we approach this Australia Day.
Woke corporates are in retreat – Woolworths has spectacularly backflipped and is now again selling Australia Day merchandise.
Pubs which banned our day are now in retreat.
Politicians who hate Australia Day are ignored.
If the Family First Senate team of Katie Lush (Qld), Lyle Shelton (NSW), Bernie Finn (Vic) and Christopher Brohier (SA) are elected, they will push for all local Councils to celebrate Australia Day and to ensure that our national day is protected.
Again, addressing injustice is an on-going project but that doesn’t mean throwing the baby out with the bathwater, as the activist class seem to want.
Something precious was set in train on January 26, 1788, when Captain Arthur Phillip, our first Governor, hoisted the Union Jack.
There is much to be thankful for as on Sunday we take stock of the wonderful country in which we are all privileged to live.