We live in a heartless and ruthless generation.
WA politicians have voted to allow babies to be killed in their mother’s womb because they are girls.
They also green-lighted aborting babies because they have Down Syndrome.
And in breaking news last night, they voted 23-9 in the Upper House to defeat an amendment that would have required medical care to be rendered to babies born alive after botched abortions.
Instead, these babies will be left uncared for until they die, something that happens to hundreds of babies each year in Australia.
We live in a heartless and ruthless generation.
Pro-life Liberal parliamentarian Nick Goiran led the charge to save Down Syndrome babies from abortionists.
“There will be members in this place who, I presume, hold the view that it is okay for an abortion to happen, either in phase 1 or as a late-term abortion, if a diagnosis of Down Syndrome has been provided to the family,” he told Parliament.
“I am not one of those members. This is what is best known as ‘eugenics’. This is deciding what type of people in the human race have conditions that are acceptable and unacceptable.”
The amendment to save Down Syndrome babies was defeated 25-3.
Countries like Iceland boast that they have eradicated Down Syndrome. What they have done is eradicated babies with it.
Pro-life Labor Member of the Legislative Council, Kate Doust, moved the amendment to ban the killing of baby girls because they were girls, something that sadly is widely practiced amongst some ethic communities who value boys over girls.
That amendment was defeated by a narrower margin, 19-12.
South Australia is the only State where unborn baby girls are protected from sex-selection abortion.
Family First believes human life begins at conception and should be protected from that moment until natural death. Public policy in support of the unique sanctity of human life must be achieved with the consent of the people and the “life debate” must be allowed to occur freely without acrimony and the threat of cancel culture.
Here's a summary of amendments to civilise WA's brutal abortion-to-birth laws passed last night. They all failed.
- Amendment to retain 20 weeks instead of 23 weeks as late-term threshold lost 4 vs 27.
- Amendment to require that one of the two doctors be an obstetrician/gynaecologist for any post-23 week abortion (as recommended by the AMA) lost 8 vs 24.
- Amendment to insert mandatory considerations before a doctor performs a post-23 week abortion (as per the South Australian legislation), lost 7-25.
- Amendment to require that both doctors involved in a post-23 week abortion be from WA (as recommended by the AMA), lost 7-24.
- Amendment to prohibit abortions for Down syndrome lost 3-25.
- Amendment to prohibit abortions for sex selection (as per SA legislation) lost 12-19.
- Amendment mandating that doctors must offer information about counselling (as per SA legislation) lost 6–25.
- Amendment affirming the duty to provide medical care & treatment to a baby born-alive after an abortion (as per SA legislation) lost 9-23.
- Amendment to delete the Bill’s new ban on the Chief Health Officer continuing to collect data on the reasons for abortions lost 8-21.
- Amendment to require the Chief Health Officer to publish an annual report which de-identified information on abortions lost 8-24.
- Amendment to oppose the clause no longer making the deaths of babies born alive after an abortion, reportable to the Coroner, lost 4-26.